June 2022 In This Issue Features Texas and Louisiana Find Common Ground Along Toledo Bend Reservoir Karankawa Descendants are Reclaiming Their Heritage After Being Written Off as Extinct Laredo Is the Land of Always Both and Neither Departments Editor’s Note You Can Go Home Again My Hometown The Good Life of Hoops and Ranching in Perryton Open Road A Father and Daughter Share a Devotion to Charreadas in Del Rio Speaking of Texas Texas Humor’s Founder Jay B. Sauceda Considers the Texas Identity Texana Big Bend’s Oldest Surviving Adobe Structure Gets a Makeover Getaway A Weekend Getaway in Del Rio’s Oasis of Borderland Culture Drive / Atlas The Habitats of Wild Creatures Transcend Lines Drawn on Paper Drive / Ticket Welcome to South Texas’ House of Immaculate Glass Drive / Horizon The Hugs Not Walls Program Reunites Families Along the Rio Grande Plates Beer Salt Is a Texas Tradition, Y’all Plates Distant Relatives Spotlights Plantation Cooking’s Influence on American Barbecue Vintage Cockfighting Flourished in Texas in the Early 1900s Daytripper The Daytripper Meets the Goat Mayor of Lajitas Sightseer A Peaceful Sunrise Brightens the Laguna Madre Shoreline in South Texas