Toni Turner, executive director of The University of Texas Law School Foundation in Austin, is a cooking historian who specializes in the foods of the Anglo pioneers and Native Americans of the 1850s. Note: The following recipe was designed for fresh cactus. Most canned or other commercially prepared cactus is pickled in brine or vinegar, so adjust your recipe accordingly.
- 1 pound nopalitos, blanched
- 3 tomatoes, peeled and chopped
- 1/2 head of lettuce, chopped
- 1 c. sweet yellow onion, chopped
- 1/2 c. cilantro (fresh cilantro) chopped
- 1 tsp. fresh oregano, chopped
- Italian or vinaigrette dressing
- 1 avocado, sliced (optional)
- 3 T. feta cheese (optional)
This is a traditional salad throughout Mexico. Toss the first six ingredients and serve chilled, topped with an Italian or vinaigrette dressing. Add some crumbled feta cheese and avocado slices for a more elegant salad. Makes 6 servings.