A field of Texas bluebonnets with a patch of white bluebonnets as well.

White bluebonnets at the LCRA’s Muleshoe Bend Recreation Area. Photo by Will van Overbeek

Over two years ago, we launched a newsletter called “Petal Pusher.” It was an eight-email series about all things Texas wildflowers. We aimed to teach readers how to identify and plant flowers, and offered places to travel to see our favorite blooms.

The newsletter launched at the beginning of the pandemic, when travel was halted and the normal excursions to see wildflowers were delayed. We took a quote from Lady Bird Johnson to heart: “Where flowers bloom, so does hope.” “Petal Pusher” was introduced to our readers with the hopes of maintaining a sense of optimism and transporting us to new places from our couch.

This spring, wildflower season is already in full swing and the bluebonnets might be waning in certain areas. But there is so much more to the season than our beloved state flower. We have a wealth of other blooms to identify along our beautiful roadsides. Therefore, we are bringing back the “Petal Pusher” newsletter to help you find the most of the season and learn something new. We hope you will join us.

Natalie Moore
Product & Engagement Manager

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