Postcards are gloriously enticing—intended to generate fond memories with beauty, grandeur, and humor. The Texas State Library and Archives in Austin explores the topic in Wish You Were Here: Postcards from the Texas State Archives. Open April 4-September 16, 2016, the exhibit features about 55 postcards (40 on display at a time) from 20th-Century Texas. The cards bear historical drawings and photos of attractions like the Hotel Galvez and Galveston Seawall and the Beaumont oilfields at night, as well as accompanying photos and documents, including a 1927 menu from the still-popular Camino Real Hotel in El Paso.
Wish You Were Here: Postcards from the Texas State Archives
March 22, 2016
Written by Art Williams | Updated: March 22, 2016 | Filed Under: TravelTravel News