Over the years, we’ve scouted the state’s best wildflower drives; dug up wildflower trivia; covered dozens of wildflower festivals from El Paso to the Piney Woods; and offered grower’s guides and field guides. But this issue beats them all: 100 pages devoted entirely to Texas wildflowers—a botanical feast for the eyes. It’s a cornucopia of flower facts, folklore, photography, and festivals, and can be enjoyed year-round, even when those beautiful bluebonnets aren’t in bloom. Here we bring you the best of Texas Highways’ wildflower writing, imagery, and useful tips—where to wake up next to fields of flowers, Texas artisans making everything from pressed-flower art to wildflower soaps, and a grand total of 12 scenic drives guaranteed to feed your flower frenzy in every corner of the state.
But before we begin, we’d like extend a thank you to the people who nurtured this issue from sprout to bloom: all the editors, writers, designers, fact-checkers, and photographers who have contributed to our treasure trove of wildflower stories and photos; to Lady Bird Johnson, whose legacy lives in these pages; to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, who offered invaluable research assistance—and above all—to our readers, for making it all worthwhile.