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A note regarding COVID-19

Due to concerns over the spread of coronavirus, some events have been postponed or canceled. Please make sure to check the event website, social media, or call ahead to confirm an event is still taking place if you are interested in attending.

Upcoming Events in Huntsville


Herb Festival at the Wynne Home

March 22

Wynne Home Arts and Visitors Center, 1428 11th St.

Hosted by the Texas Thyme Unit, the festival is an annual showcase for locally grown herbs, perennials, native plants, vegetables, and bulbs. Speakers, herbal and garden vendors, music, and children’s activities round out the day’s events. The historic Wynne Home Arts and Visitors Center and its current art exhibition are also open to visitors.

General Sam Houston Day

April 26

Sam Houston Memorial Museum and Republic of Texas Presidential Library, 1836 Sam Houston Ave.

Step back in time for an event honoring Sam Houston and his times (1793-1863). Enjoy historical demonstrations, hands-on activities, and period music. Tour the homes the Houstons lived in while in Huntsville, gain access into the Steamboat House and the 19th-century cabins on the property.

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