The Bourbon Smash cocktail. Photo: Tom McCarthy Jr.
Marsha Milam describes her Bourbon Smash cocktail recipe as “delicious, flexible, and forgiving.” Mix one up at home to celebrate Texas Independence Day on March 2—or head to the distillery for its second anniversary bash—and toast to the spirit of Ben Milam and other brave Texas revolutionaries.
- ½ cup ice
- 2 tablespoons raspberry preserves or jam
- 2 tablespoons Ben Milam bourbon
- 1 tablespoon triple sec
- 2-3 tablespoons orange juice
- Club soda
- Orange slices
Add ice, preserves, bourbon, triple sec, and orange juice to a shaker and shake vigorously for 15 seconds. Then pour into a glass with a few ice cubes and top it with a splash of club soda. Garnish with orange slices.
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